l(f)ڣ2012-09-22 cΔ(sh)1712
2 ҃(ni)՚Ⱦr
1҃(ni)՚|(zh)՚ӰҊĿ՚Ⱦ㟟Fкwm҇҃(ni)՚ҪȾTSPCO SO2NOx̼仯ȡ
BIOLON _l(f)Įa(chn)ƷǸ(j)˹̹ͱ_ϣعՓ This theory was proved for the first time in 1910 using a potential multiplier, that it is possible to reproduce the electricity naturally found in air in a room using an air ioniser.@һՓC1910״ʹһڵij˔(sh)rgпجF(xin)Ȼ՚еl(f)F(xin)ʹÿ՚xӰl(f)ķg These two men thus founded modern biological climatology which BENTAX® applies in the field of Indoor Air Quality.@ӄ(chung)ˬF(xin)?q)WBIOLON ҃(ni)՚Ʒ|(zh)Imá